Commodore's Corner
Larry Bigus, PYC Commodore
Sitting on a beautiful beach in Sydney, and swimming in the south pacific, one afternoon and then the next afternoon looking at ice and snow in Kansas is somewhat surreal.The snow and ice will go away and we will be looking at beautiful Lake Perry not long from now. Your board of directors is working hard to get ready for sailing season. Renewals are coming in at a nice pace and members seem to like the new form. The budget for 2025 is almost finished. PYC is in financially sound shape. The good news about the bitter cold is that the lake is frozen over and there are no waves to bother boats or docks. Additional work is being done to update our technology (technology was already great but as you know technology keeps improving). As soon as the weather permits work will resume on improvements to the clubhouse and grounds. I am overwhelmed by the time and effort invested by members to make PYC such a great place. Hope to see many of you at the March 1st winter meeting/social. Until then for those of you that stayed in the Midwest please be safe and try to enjoy snow, ice and cold (I hate it).