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By-Laws define the purpose, membership, and governance of the club. They can only be changed by the members 

By–Laws of Perry Yacht Club

Updated October 2023


A.  The organization shall be known as the Perry Yacht Club, located at the Perry Reservoir, Meriden, Kansas,
      and shall be a not – for – profit Club.
B.  The emblem of the Club shall be a royal blue triangular burgee. Superimposed on the full length of the
      staff edge shall be a crimson “K”. The letters “PYC” in white shall be centered in the diamond end of the fly.


The purpose of the Club shall be:
A. To promote and increase interest in sailing on Perry Reservoir for all types and classes of sailboats.
B. To secure and maintain equipment and property for use of members of the Club.
C. To promote water safety.


A. Expectations/Requirements of Membership:
    1. A demonstrated commitment to sailing and the PYC sailing community,
    2. To follow in the spirit and letter of Club policies, rules, and regulations,
    3. Volunteer support during work days and/or for social events,
    4. To be current in all financial obligations to the Club.
B. Benefits/Privileges (all memberships)
    1. One vote at membership meetings
    2. Eligible to hold office
    3. Full access to Club and use of Club sailing facilities
    4. Use of small sailboats owned by the Club.
    5. Invitation to all Club social and member activities
    6. Camping in unimproved camping sites
C. Available Benefits/Privileges (for additional membership fee)
    1. Boat Storage:
        a. Equity Season Slip
        b. In Season Slip or Dry
       c. Winter Slip or Dry
       d. Boat storage includes access to electrical hookup for boat and/or camper
    2. Boat Share (Keel Boat)
D. Honorary Members & Special Circumstance.
    1. The PYC Board of Governors has the authority to grant Honorary Membership and define the assigned
E. The PYC Board of Governors can grant privileges to current members for special circumstances.

A. Responsible Party.
     1. The Board is responsible for recommending dues and fees appropriate to the continued maintenance of
          the facility and operation of the Club.
B. Authority.
     1. Members will approve all changes to dues and fees related to membership at the Fall Annual meeting
          and become effective the following fiscal year.
     2. The Board will approve all program and guest fees annually.
C. General.
     1. Dues are paid as defined in Policy.
     2. All current dues and fees related to membership remain in effect until a vote to change or amend is
        called by the Board and approved by the members.
     3. Any additional fees or assessments beyond those noted must be approved by the members at any
        appropriately called Member Meeting.
     4. A list of all current dues, fees, late fees, or assessments will be published in the Policy Statements and
        made available to all members.


A. Defined
     1. The elective officers and immediate Past Commodore shall constitute the Executive Board of the Perry
         Yacht Club.
     2. In the absence of the Board of Governors, the Executive Board may make routine decisions for operation
         of the Club, authorize expenditures within the budget, take action in emergency situations, and develop
         plans and projects for recommendation to the Board of Governors.
B. The elective officers of the Club shall consist of the following:
     1. A Commodore, who shall be Senior Flag Officer of the Club
     2. A Vice Commodore, who shall be Junior Flag Officer of the Club
     3. A Rear Commodore, who shall be Junior Flag Officer of the Club
     4. A Secretary, who shall be Junior Flag Officer of the Club
     5. A Treasurer, who shall be Junior Flag Officer of the Club
C. Each officer shall be elected to hold office for a period of one year, beginning November 15, following his or
     her election and shall hold office until another elected officer is installed.
D. Vacancies on the Executive Board.
     1. Any and all vacancies occurring on the Executive Board shall be filled by election by the Board of
        Governors with the exception of the immediate Past Commodore.


A. The officers of the Club shall enforce its laws and execute the orders and policies promulgated by the
       majority of its voting members and the Board of Governors. The Commodore may appoint such other
       officers as are, in the opinion of the Executive Board, necessary to properly administer the affairs of the Club.
B. The Commodore shall command the Fleet, preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Governors,
     appoint or remove committee chairs, appoint or dissolve such committees as he or she may deem necessary
     for the conduct and management of the Club and its activities, and assign the duties of the committees
     consistent with the Policies of Perry Yacht Club Board of Governors. The Commodore shall be ex-officio
     member of all committees.
C. The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his or her duties. The Vice Commodore
     shall act at all meetings of the Club and Board of Governors when the Commodore is absent.
D. The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and the Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties.
     The Rear commodore shall act as Flag Officer in the absence of the Commodore and the Vice Commodore
     and shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the commodore and the Vice Commodore. The Rear
     Commodore shall serve as chair of the Race Committee.
E. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all general and specially called meetings of the Club, together with
     the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Governors. The Secretary shall send out all meeting notifications
     in accordance with the provisions outlined in other sections of the Bylaws or the Policies of the Perry Yacht
     Club Board of Governors.
F. The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies, prepare all checks and disbursements for the Club, prepare
    Club financial statements for monthly review by the Board of Governors, oversee the deposit of all funds in a
    depository to be designated by the Board of Governors, and oversee the preparation of all required tax
    filings for the Club. The Treasurer shall keep a correct list of all yachts enrolled in the Club. The Treasurer
    shall send out all statements and notify all delinquent members as to the amount of their past due
    indebtedness, as well to notify all delinquent members of their suspension or expulsion from the Club. The
   Treasurer shall have responsibility of the Corporate Seal.
G. In the absence of the Treasurer, checks may be countersigned by any two executive officers.
H. The immediate Past Commodore shall be a voting member of the Board of Governors. The immediate Past
     Commodore shall act in an advisory position to coordinate past and present Board actions.
I.  All officers shall perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Commodore of
   the Board of Governors.


A. Nominating Committee.
     1. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Commodore at the regular August Board Meeting.
         The Committee shall consist of five voting members.

     2. The Commodore shall be an additional member of this Committee. Any vacancy occurring on this
         Committee shall be filled by appointment of the Commodore.
     3. The Nominating Committee shall submit one nominee for each office and Board of Governors position
         open for election with due consideration being given to the qualifications of the nominee. The consent of
         the nominee to serve, if elected, shall be secured.
     4. The Nominating Committee shall present the nominative slate to the Board of Governors prior to the
         Fall Annual Meeting, and to the membership at the Fall Annual Meeting.
B. Election of Officers and Governors.
1. After hearing the recommendations of the Nominating Committee, the presiding officer shall call for
    nominations from the floor.
2. The election of officers and governors shall be by majority of voting members present at the Fall annual
    meeting of the Club. Such election shall be by voice vote, upheld voting card, or written ballot cast only
    by members in good standing.


A. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership.


A. The elected Board of Governors shall consist of eight members in addition to the Executive Board officers.
     Each member shall serve a two-year term with one-half the members terms expiring each year on November
     15. Board member positions and descriptions shall be outlined in the Policies of the Perry Yacht Club Board
     of Governors.
B. The Board shall have power to carry on all general business of the Club, do or authorize to have done all acts
     incidental to the management of the Club and furtherance of its program except as herein specifically
C. In the absence of the Commodore, the Vice Commodore, the Rear Commodore, the Secretary, and the
     Treasurer, the Board of Governors shall have the power and authority to make any order and/or do any act
      within the power and authority of the officers, provided, however, that such order be made or such act be
      done on an unanimous vote of said Board.
D. The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any
     meeting, regular or special. Special meeting may be called by the Commodore or the Executive Board.
     Written notices of the time and place of all special meetings shall be given in time to permit the attendance
     of the Board members at such a meeting.
E. Any and all vacancies of the Board of Governors shall be filled by election by members of the Board. The
     Board shall have the power to remove any Board member who is absent from three or more consecutive
     Board meetings without excuse.
F. The Board of Governors does not have the authority to perform any corporate acts such as to buy and sell
    Club real property and to execute permits and leases.
A. The following standing committees shall be established and defined in the Policies of the Perry Yacht Club
     Board of Governors. Members of these committees shall hold officer from time of appointment until their
     successors are appointed or qualified.
     1. Membership Committee
     2. Racing Committee
     3. Long Range Planning Committee
B. The Commodore shall appoint other committees as he/she deems advisable to assist in the proper function
of the Club or to carry out its objectives, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.
C. There shall be a member of the Board of Governors on all executive and standing committees provided in
this article.



A. Advisory Officers shall be filled through appointment by the Commodore. The Advisory Officers shall attend
     the Board of Governors meetings when requested by the Commodore or any member of the Executive
     Board. Advisory officers may participate in the Board of Governors meeting, but may not exercise a vote.


A. General Membership Meetings
     1. There shall be three annual general membership meetings.
     2. The Winter Business Meeting shall be for the purpose of presenting the plans for the coming year at the  
         Club, the budget, financial statements, and any amendments to the By-Laws, or revisions under
         consideration by the Commodore, the Executive Board or the Board of Governors.
     3. The Fall Annual Meeting shall be held for the purpose of election of officers and governors, amendments
         to the By-Laws, financial statements, and any other business requiring actions by the membership as
         considered by the Commodore, the Executive Board, or the Board of Governors.
     4. The November meeting shall be a social function for the purpose of installation of officers and governors
          and the presentation of awards.
B. Special Meetings
     1. A special meeting may be called by the Commodore and the Executive Board when deemed urgent and
         necessary. The date and place of such meeting will be determined by the Commodore or the Executive
         Board and be specified in the call.
     2. A special meeting may be called by written request to the Commodore by 25% of the voting
         membership of the Club. The Commodore will immediately advise the Secretary to issue the call stating
         date and time.
C. Notice of Meetings
     1. Notice of all general membership meetings and special meetings shall be mailed or emailed out at least
         seven days prior to the meeting date and shall be done by the Club Secretary through mailed or emailed
        notice or by publication in the PYC Newsletter. Notice of meeting may be by invitation as decided by the
       Board of Governors.


A. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.


A. All amendments or changes in the By-Laws shall be formulated by a member or members of the Board of
     Governors or the Executive Board or by appointed executive committee. These amendments or proposals
     shall be presented to the members at a general membership meeting or special meeting. The proposed
     amendments to these By-Laws or the proposed changes to annual dues must be passed by a majority of the
     voting membership present at the meeting.
B. All voting members shall be notified of the amendments to be presented at said meeting no less than seven
    days prior to such meeting. This shall be done by the Club Secretary through mailed or emailed notice or by
    publication in the PYC Newsletter.
C. All amendments that are passed at a general membership meeting or special meeting, shall be signed by the
     Commodore and the Secretary to indicate that they are the official copies. They shall be published in the PYC
D. If a voting member of the Club is unable to attend a general membership meeting at which an amendment is
     to be presented, the member may advise the Club Secretary by mail of his or her vote on the amendment.
     Such a statement of vote shall be dated and signed by the member. It shall be delivered to the Secretary prior
     to the date of the general meeting.
E. The Board of Governors may request a ballot by mail from the membership upon minor changes or additions
    to the By-Laws.



A. The latest edition of Robert’s Rule of Order shall be the official parliamentary manual governing the conduct
      of meetings in the membership and Board of Governors when not in conflict with the By-Laws.

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