Come All Sailors to...
Perry Yacht Club's 2024 Firecracker Regatta! July 5-7 2024
This is an open regatta for anyone with a sailboat who would like to race. Keelboats, Centerboarders, Multihulls all welcome.
Please forward this invitation to anyone with a sailboat.
Please send any questions or concerns to
Regatta Chairperson / P.R.O. Kenny Gall (
Schedule of Events:
Friday night 7/5:
5pm -7pm registration & camping setup
8pm - ? Acoustic Jam at Leoni's Landing (bring your instrument)
Saturday 7/6:
9am - registration
10am - skippers meeting
11am - 3 to 5 races
8pm YouTube Karaoke with DJ DOGMEAT
Sunday 7/7 –
9am skippers meeting
10am - 2 or 3 races
Trophies/Awards to follow
Regatta fee $30/ boat.
Included in fee:
-Camping Friday and Saturday night on PYC's hill*
-Beer (PYC members can enjoy beer without regatta fee)
No meals provided but PYC has a full kitchen and charcoal BBQs available.
PYC facilities will be available including:
-Mast stepping pole
-Deep water launch ramp with courtesy dock
-Overnight docking for racers
-Kitchen facility
-Charcoal BBQS (bring own charcoal)
-Picnic tables/shelter
*Camping is on a first come first serve basis. Please note that as per Corp of Engineers Policy, NO FIREWORKS are allowed to be discharged on the property.